+34 656 883 371 / +34 654 937 420 booking@andaluciaexperiencias.com

Columbian Places

The meeting between two worlds

On August 3, 1492, an expedition led by Columbus left the port of Palos de la Frontera (Huelva) in search of an unknown land.
When everyone arrived at the island of Guanahani, they were not aware that they had just been the protagonists of an event that was going to change the history of the Earth. And for that to be possible, all the preparations for the feat were forged beforehand in the province of Huelva.

What will you visit?


The Columbian Route of Huelva is declared a Historic-Artistic Site and runs, fundamentally, between Palos de la Frontera and Moguer. There is no doubt about the historical significance found in the monuments and spaces visited, revealing the preparations prior to the departure of Christopher Columbus to “The New World.” The visit begins in the church of San Jorge, where, in May 1492, the Royal Pragmatics was read, ordering certain residents of Palos de la Frontera to deliver two caravels to Christopher Columbus and requesting the recruitment of sailors. From this 15th century church the sailors left to embark with Columbus in the early morning of August 3, 1492.

We continue with the visit to the Rábida monastery, considered one of the most relevant spaces on the Columbian Places route. Here you can see the place where Columbus stayed before embarking on his journey to the New World and the Mudejar-style cloister where the admiral confessed to Fray Juan Pérez the particularities of the journey. Another of its attractions are the “Poems of Discovery” painted fresco by the artist Daniel Vázquez Díaz.

The Caravels Pier is another important point of the visit, here are the reproductions of La Pinta, La Niña and the Santa María, the caravels that participated in Columbus’s voyage. DDuring the tour, we will open other exhibition spaces such as the interpretation center with navigation instruments, a medieval neighborhood in which what daily life was like at the time is represented, and the Meeting Island, which allows us to see what life and culture were like natives.

Important information

– Minimum 2 people to reserve

– Duration approx: 3 hours

– For groups inquiry, send an email to booking@andaluciaexperiencias.com or call 0034 656 883 371 / 0034 654 937 420 (Whatsapp)


– Private guided tour of the Rábida Monastery, Carabelas Dock and St. George’s Church

– Entrance fees to monuments

Does not include

– Transfers



0034 656 883 371 / 0034 654 937 420

San Luis, 24

41900 Camas – Sevilla

C.I.A.N. – 417886-2

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